Project Area from 156 Street to St. Albert Trail
Check out this map showing the proposed road changes.
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Existing intersections at 149 Street and 142 Street will be closed, and there will be no direct access to Yellowhead Trail from these streets. Road users will access Yellowhead Trail at the nearest interchange, at either 156 Street or St. Albert Trail.
All other access directly to Yellowhead Trail will be removed, including at 143 Street, existing service roads and existing business accesses.
One-way service roads will be built on the north and south sides of Yellowhead Trail to provide access to businesses and properties.
Changes and modifications made to 123 Avenue, 124 Avenue and 128 Avenue.
This project is anticipated to be complete by the fall of 2024.
Check out this map showing the proposed road changes.
Construction started in 2021 and is ongoing between 156 Street to St. Albert Trail. The following work is in progress:
The following work is complete:
Traffic accommodations are currently in place:
View map of traffic accommodations
Recent construction activities along Yellowhead Trail have led to Dovercourt residents expressing concerns about speeding and shortcutting within the neighbourhood. Sherbrooke residents have also expressed concerns about speeding and shortcutting, resulting from future construction. To address these concerns, the City is implementing a comprehensive traffic management plan. In 2023, speed humps were installed alongside signalized intersections on St. Albert Trail at Dovercourt Avenue and 122 Avenue. Additional traffic calming measures (2 raised crosswalks and 1 permanent diverter) will be installed in 2024. For more information, view the Safety Measures Notice.
The concept plan for this segment of Yellowhead Trail was developed after an extensive public engagement process from 2012 to 2014. The public provided feedback, which contributed to the concept plan that was presented to City Council in October 2015. More information about the public and stakeholder engagement in the Concept Phase can be found in the Program History.
Based on evaluations of the existing stormwater system in the area, a new dry pond near 142 Street is needed to reduce flooding. Construction on the pond is currently underway.
As part of the 156 Street to St. Albert Trail project, a noise study and a condition assessment of the existing noise wall on the south side of Yellowhead Trail, between 142 Street and St. Albert Trail, were completed. The wall was in poor condition and near the end of its service life.
With the road construction along this section of Yellowhead Trail, it was an ideal time to replace the decades-old wall. The City completed construction of the new noise wall in 2022.
Road construction will resume in spring 2024. Underground drainage infrastructure is substantially complete with final installations remaining which will start in spring 2024.
Landscaping will commence in spring 2024. The construction of the retaining walls and the dry pond is complete. Construction of the project is planned to be complete by fall 2024.
The underground drainage infrastructure installation and construction of the retaining walls will continue through the winter. Road work and construction of the dry pond will resume in spring 2023.
The 156 Street off-ramp from Yellowhead Trail westbound will be closed for approximately 8 months. Access to 156 Street from Yellowhead Trail westbound will be maintained via the service road. View the construction bulletin
The first year of construction began in summer 2021. The work is expected to be completed by fall 2024 and will include closing existing intersections at 149 Street and 142 Street, removing direct access points to Yellowhead Trail and adding one-way service roads.
2021 construction activities:
Design: we completed the engineering design for this portion of Yellowhead Trail
Development and refinement of options
Construction started in 2021 and is ongoing between 156 Street to St. Albert Trail.
Three lanes of traffic along Yellowhead Trail will be open during peak hours. There will be times overnight that only 1 lane in each direction will be open on Yellowhead Trail. The speed limit may be reduced to 40km/hour in construction zones and we ask the public to be mindful of signs and construction crews as they travel through the area.
Thank you to everyone who joined the Online Pre-construction Information Session on June 3, 2021. The project team presented the construction staging schedule and answered questions from event participants.
Your input matters.
The City invited you to explore the design and share your feedback through Engaged Edmonton in October 2020. Your valuable feedback was used to advise the preliminary design for the project due to start construction in 2021.
Reference Materials:
Project Update - October 2020
Westbound Yellowhead Trail changes
Eastbound Yellowhead Trail changes
Engaged Edmonton: Guestbook and Questions for the Project Team
Welcome Video: Project Overview
Travelling Eastbound
Travelling Westbound
Crossing Yellowhead Trail Southbound
Crossing Yellowhead Trail Northbound
Dovercourt and Sherbrooke Residents
The final concept plan was presented to the Transportation Committee on October 7, 2015.
The City focused on refining the preferred concept plan for Yellowhead Trail at 149 Street. The preferred concept includes one-way service roads parallel to Yellowhead Trail on the north and south sides. There is no connection proposed for 149 Street across Yellowhead Trail. The City will evaluate the changes that will be required to the surrounding road network to address changes in travel pattern as a result of the proposed plan.
The City completed the final stages of a significant public engagement process that resulted in the development and refinement of a preferred option for freeway operation of Yellowhead Trail at 149 Street.
Public Involvement Report
The public engagement process included an Open House in June 2012 with a second open house in September 2013, 11 key stakeholder meetings, discussions with internal and external stakeholders such as CN Rail and utility companies, information bulletins to the community and the establishment of a Stakeholder Input Group (SIG).
This group of area stakeholders worked with City planners to develop ideas for converting Yellowhead Trail at 149 Street to a freeway operation, while retaining reasonable access to the adjacent businesses and the Dovercourt community. The stakeholder group helped to identify and develop:
Over the course of several workshops, the stakeholders helped to evaluate and reduce the total number of alternatives.
After significant development and evaluation of alternatives, the City arrived at a recommended configuration for the area based on input received from internal and external stakeholders, as well as Transportation Committee.
This preferred option includes one-way service roads parallel to Yellowhead Trail on the north and south sides. There is no connection proposed for 149 Street across Yellowhead Trail.
On Tuesday September 17, the City of Edmonton hosted a public meeting to provide information on the recommended concept for free flow operation of Yellowhead Trail at 149 Street.
During the Open House, the public were invited to view the presentation boards and maps, ask questions of our project staff and pick-up project information material.
Two freeway options were presented to City Council on July 10, 2013; Freeway Strategy A which includes a ¾ diamond, grade separated interchange and Freeway Strategy B that which includes one-way service roads with right-in/right-out access north and south of Yellowhead Trail as well as improvements to parallel routes on 128 Avenue, 123 Avenue and 124 Avenue.
Presentation to the Transportation Committee of Council
Strategy Option A
Strategy Option B (Preferred Strategy)
Council Report
An information bulletin was mailed out to community groups and businesses adjacent to the intersection . The bulletin provided an update on feedback received during the June 2012 Open House and requested comments or suggestions from the public.
A public Open House was held in June 2012 to introduce the project and provide background information. Attendees had the opportunity to learn more about the project and provide comments. Thanks to residents and community stakeholders who attended the June 13, 2012 meeting on the 149 Street Interchange at Yellowhead Trail.
Stay informed with program updates and opportunities to have your say in shaping the new Yellowhead Trail.
The City values public input and recognizes its importance in identifying the needs of all Yellowhead Trail road users, area residents and businesses. Each segment of the Yellowhead Trail Freeway Conversion Program is being built to balance the roadway requirements with community, business and commuter needs.
Please contact us with your 156 Street to St. Albert Trail questions by emailing