The St. Albert Trail to 97 Street project is currently in the design stage.

Starting mid-November, traffic pattern changes will occur along Yellowhead Trail on 127 Street, as the City works to build a new overpass.

Construction Bulletin

Project Overview

The plan for this section of Yellowhead Trail includes:

  • Removal of all traffic signals and direct accesses to Yellowhead Trail
  • Two new interchanges; one at 127 Street and one at 121 Street
  • A new roadway connection from 121 Street and 107 Street to the 121 Street interchange to provide access to Yellowhead Trail
  • New service roads to manage traffic flow 
  • A new pedestrian bridge crossing Yellowhead Trail at the 127 Street interchange 
  • A new shared pathway on the south side of Yellowhead Trail from 142 Street to 107 Street