Revitalization Grants
Residents, local organizations and businesses can access program funding for community-led initiatives through the: Revitalization Project Macro-Grants and Revitalization Extensive Project Fund.
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In June 2018, Inglewood community was approved by City Council for the Neighbourhood Revitalization program.
Between December 2018 and June 2019, the City worked with Inglewood community members, through a community working group, focused neighbourhood discussions and large community engagement workshops to make informed decisions regarding the identification of community's strengths and opportunities and a vision for the Revitalization Program in Inglewood. Together, the City and the community have co-created a Revitalization Strategy with actionable goals to cooperatively implement ideas aimed at enhancing community life.
Inglewood Revitalization Strategy (Detailed)
Strategy at a Glance (One-pager)
Things are happening in Inglewood! Learn about the many City projects and programs currently ongoing in the neighbourhood.
Inglewood Community Newsletter - Spring/Summer 2022
Visit 124 Street Renewal for more information.
Inglewood School Park Water Feature
Water Play Sites are always a summertime favourite for families. Construction on this project will occur this summer to add a gathering space with seating and a spray deck for all ages. It will also have accessible pathways as well as benches and picnic tables.
Winnifred Stewart Park
Construction on this project begins this spring and will tie into the road renewal. A new accessible pathway connection will be added in the park to the North Boundary.
The City makes decisions using a combination of policy and program information, public engagement input, technical requirements, and available funding. The projects from the Community Capital Investment Priority Report were further reviewed and refined at the City of Edmonton, and assessed in the context of budget cycles, ownership, maintenance, and other more detailed constraints. The What We Decided Report highlights the projects moving forward under the Revitalization Program.
The Community Capital Project Team prioritized capital projects that were shared through public engagement. The prioritization process, criteria, and recommendations are described in this report.
Community Capital Investment Priorities - Summary
The Community Capital Project Team is an integral part of the Revitalization program’s process for capital investment. They will make recommendations to the City for investment within Inglewood. In Fall 2020 a workbook was distributed to gather feedback on the physical infrastructure development. Here is what we heard:
After months of consultation between the community members and the City of Edmonton, the Inglewood Revitalization Strategy is ready. The strategy highlights actionable goals & ideas which will be implemented over the next few years.
Inglewood Revitalization Strategy
Strategy at a Glance
Community feedback & decision-making provided the foundation of the neighbourhoods’ Revitalization Strategy & the action plan. The What We Heard Report is the compiled community input from December 2018 & June 2019.
A public drop-in event was held at the Winnifred Stewart Association. This event was an opportunity for attendees to:
A public engagement workshop occurred at the Winnifred Stewart Association. Participants were asked to share the strengths and opportunities in the Inglewood neighbourhood and help to identify actions for change.
Residents, local organizations and businesses can access program funding for community-led initiatives through the: Revitalization Project Macro-Grants and Revitalization Extensive Project Fund.
All additional inquiries can be directed to the Neighbourhood Revitalization team, or by calling 311. |