Virginia Park Woodland

The Virginia Park Woodland is a mixed-wood treestand that offers a diverse mix of tree species including old-growth balsam poplar and white spruce that are about 100 years old.

The site has a well-developed understory consisting of red-osier dogwood, low-bush cranberry, Saskatoon, honeysuckle, choke cherry, elderberry and gooseberry. There is also an abundance of deadfall and snag habitat for cavity-nesting birds and other species. Since there is a relatively continuous open space link from this natural area to the Blackmud Creek ravine located east of the treestand, this area provides a stepping-stone habitat for many wildlife species. Many bird and mammal species utilize this area for foraging, shelter and reproductive purposes.

Site Map

Virginia Park Woodland map

Site Information

Area 3.0 ha
Year Protected 1982
Neighbourhood Secord
Conservation Method(s) Municipal Reserve
Location & Access 9804 Winterburn Road
Access limited to periphery of the natural area. Parking available near sports fields
Habitat Type Tableland Forest

Getting Here

The Virginia Park Woodland natural area is located at 1304 James Mowatt Trail SW. The main access to this treestand is located off James Mowatt Trail (111 Street) and much of the stand can be viewed from the multi-use paved trail that extends along its eastern perimeter. Several unimproved trails exist that allow access to the interior of the treestand; however, there is no access from the west and north side of this natural area. Parking at this site is currently limited; however, future development of surrounding public park and school space will allow additional parking and access opportunities for this area.

What You Might See or Hear

This urban treestand provides an excellent stepping-stone habitat for a variety of birds and small to medium-sized mammals. The moderate size of this treestand is complemented by an open space corridor that links the natural area, surrounding park spaces and stormwater facility to the Blackmud Creek ravine. The diverse assemblage of tree and shrub species within this natural area offers a variety of habitats that support a relatively wide range of wildlife species.