Southwest Highland

Southwest Highland natural area is a unique natural feature. It is the highest point in Edmonton, with an elevation of 716 meters at its southern end and steep slopes on its east and west sides.

The area offers a beautiful view of Edmonton to the east, west and south, and Whitemud Ravine to the southeast. Given its proximity to the ravine and the River Valley, the natural area provides an important linking function for wildlife. Its steep slopes support an interesting combination of successional stage and pioneer vegetation communities, including beaked hazelnut and snowberry.

Site Map

Southwest Highland map

Site Information

Area 3.3 ha
Year Protected 2006
Neighbourhood Magrath Heights
Conservation Method(s) Municipal Reserve
Location & Access East of 142 Street and south of 23 Avenue
Habitat Type Tableland Forest

Getting Here

There is an informal trail through the southern portion of the natural area, connected to a walkway off Malone Way to the west and another from the east.

What You Might See or Hear

This primarily deciduous treestand likely no longer supports large mammals given adjacent development, but you could still spot snowshoe hare, coyote, white-tailed jackrabbit, red squirrel, thirteen-lined ground squirrel, least chipmunk, porcupine, and other small mammals and bats.

The site supports a rich diversity of songbirds and the occasional raptor. Birds you might see include Clay-coloured, Song and Savannah sparrows, Cedar Waxwings, American Robins, Least and Alder Flycatchers, Baltimore Orioles, and Red-eyed Vireos Black-capped Chickadees, Black-billed magpies, and Pine grosbeaks.