Section 19 Woodlot

Section 19 Woodlot is a unique treestand in Edmonton’s southwest consisting primarily of paper birch trees, some balsam poplar and white spruce.

A predominance of paper birch trees is rare in Edmonton and occurs here because a unique sand dune complex at this site produces sandy soil that provides ideal conditions for the growth of birch trees. The understory consists of a diversity of shrubs, including beaked hazelnut, raspberry, gooseberry, high-bush cranberry and wild red currant. This site provides an important habitat for white-tailed deer.

Site Map

Section 19 Woodlot map

Site Information

Area 13.4 ha
Year Protected 2001
Neighbourhood Rural West
Conservation Method(s) Purchased by City
Location & Access 1803 Winterburn Road
Habitat Type Tableland Forest

Getting Here

This site can be accessed from Winterburn Road. No formal trails exist at this site; however, there is ample open space located along the northern perimeter of the site to view this natural area. There are also several well-developed game trails through the treestand.

What You Might See or Hear

The site is used by deer for browsing and travel between the North Saskatchewan River Valley and the forested lands to the west of Edmonton. Other smaller mammals and birds can also be spotted.