Ambleside Treestand

The Ambleside Treestand is a deciduous stand dominated by trembling aspen and balsam poplar, with an understory common to mixed-wood stands in the region.

The diverse habitat offers a breeding habitat for birds, and foraging and cover habitat for mammals. Deadfalls and snags provide habitat for woodpeckers and insects. The site also offers a nesting habitat for songbirds. The natural area serves as a stepping stone for wildlife dispersal and access to feeding, cover and thermal habitat.

Site Map

Ambleside Treestand map

Site Information

Area 3.8 ha
Year Protected 2007
Neighbourhood Ambleside
Conservation Method(s) Municipal Reserve
Location & Access 16820 Ellerslie Road
Habitat Type Tableland Forest

Getting Here

The site is located east of 170 Street and north of 9 Avenue, with access from 170 Street. There are no formal trails through the natural area; however, the surrounding buffer area and open space to the south of the stand provide views of the treestand from all sides.

What You Might See or Hear

Keep an eye out for Least Flycatcher, Black-capped Chickadee, House Wren, American Robin, Cedar Waxwing, Yellow Warbler, White-throated Sparrow, Song sparrow, Brown-headed Cowbird and Baltimore Oriole, as well as small mammals.