The Energy Transition Climate Resilience Committee (ETCRC) is made up of 15 Edmontonians who serve a 2-year term and help implement 2 strategic plans:  Edmonton’s Community Energy Transition Strategy and Climate Resilient Edmonton: Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan.

The Committee encourages and promotes the strategies, provides advice to Council regarding their implementation and assists Council in developing performance measures. The committee provides a wide and strategic perspective on issues relating to energy transition and climate resilience in Edmonton.


The mandate of the Energy Transition Climate Resilience Committee is to:

  • Promote the City's climate change plans and energy transition strategy to each member's professional and community networks
  • Share with, and receive from the City Manager, information regarding the implementation of the City's climate change plans and energy transition strategy
  • Provide broad independent advice to Council about the City's climate change plans and energy transition strategy
  • Assist Council in developing performance measures for the City's climate change plans and energy transition strategy

The Committee’s work aligns with the goals outlined in ConnectEdmonton, Edmonton’s strategic plan for 2019 to 2028, specifically the goal of Climate Resilience.

Goal: Edmonton is a city transitioning to a low-carbon future, has clean air and water and is adapting to a changing climate.

The Energy Transition Climate Resilience Committee's establishment, mandate and terms of reference are outlined in Bylaw 20677.

Committee members serve in a voluntary capacity for 2-year terms, (from May 1 to April 30) renewable to a maximum of 8 consecutive years.


Council Advisors

Name of Appointees First Appointed Term
Councillor Michael Janz Nov 10/21 Organizational Meeting in 2024
Councillor Ashley Salvador Nov 10/21 Organizational Meeting in 2024


Additional information on current ETCRC members.

Citizen Members

Name of Appointees First Appointed Term Expiry Date
S. Jeff Birchall May 01/23 Apr 30/25
Dolly Cepeda Montufar May 01/22 Apr 30/26
Satya Das May 01/22 Apr 30/26
Mariam Djalili May 01/24 Apr 30/26
David Dodge May 01/22 Apr 30/26
Marieke Dube May 01/23 Apr 30/25
Daniel Grist May 25/20 Apr 30/26
Melanie Hoffman (Co-Chair) May 01/22 Apr 30/26
Maya Kalogirou  May 01/22 Apr 30/26
Jacob Komar  (Co-Chair) May 01/18 Apr 30/26
Alvin Law May 01/23 Apr 30/25
Kathleen Rich May 25/20 Apr 30/26
James Sandercock May 01/23 Apr 30/25
Rahul Shrivastava May 01/24 Apr 30/26
Sheena Wilson May 01/18 Apr 30/26
Meeting Minutes

Read the minutes and attachments of previous meetings.

Calendar and Resources

2024 Meeting Schedule

  • January 18
  • March 7
  • May 16
  • June 20
  • September 12
  • November 7

Committee meetings are 1-4:30pm and open to the public.

Meetings are conducted in-person with some members attending virtually. Please contact to request to speak at a meeting.