Houses on Edmonton street

Assessment and Taxation Branch provides citizens with a fair and transparent means to share the cost of civic services essential to a vibrant and growing city.

Branch Mandate

The Assessment and Taxation Branch works to ensure fair and transparent property assessment and taxation that meets provincially legislated standards. This is critical to meeting revenue requirements to fund City programs and services and the Provincial Education Property Tax requisition.

Assessment and Taxation prepares annual market value assessments for all properties, including amended and supplementary assessments. It is responsible for taxation billing, including administration of the Monthly Payment Program.

The Branch administers the assessment and taxation requirements for Community Revitalization Levy (CRL) areas and Business Improvement Areas (BIAs).

Major Branch Services and Activities

The major areas of responsibility of the Assessment and Taxation Branch include:

Assessment Operations

  • Provide fair, equitable and accurate market value-based valuations for all property in the City and assessments for business owners within BIAs.
  • Provide accurate and timely annual, amended and supplementary assessment notices.
  • Communicates with ratepayers and responds to inquiries to ensure account accuracy.
  • Addresses outstanding issues directly with ratepayers and participates in the Assessment Review Board process.


  • Maintain accurate account information, including ownership records.
  • Provide accurate and timely annual, amended and supplementary property tax notices.
  • Manage the collection and administration of municipal and Provincial Education Property Tax.
  • Manage the collection and administration of Local Improvement Taxes, thirteen BIA zone taxes and Community Revitalization Levies.
  • Administer the monthly Tax Payment Program and other Council-approved programs.
  • Respond to inquiries related to taxation.