Community Feedback on Draft Design - December 2023
Thank you to everyone who engaged with the Project Team during the Community Feedback on Draft Design stage of Overlanders and Homesteader Neighbourhood Renewal. The online survey closed on December 13, but you can still review the draft design.
Review the draft design (20MB)
The public engagement activities and participation are summarized in the Engagement Summary .
A What We Heard Report summarizing your feedback will be available in the coming months.
Your feedback will be considered in the development of the final design for Overlanders and Homesteader Neighbourhood Renewal. We will share the final design with you in spring 2024 and ask for your input during the Community Feedback on Final Design stage of Neighbourhood Renewal.
We commit to considering feedback to refine the draft design to reflect the Vision and Guiding Principles for Overlanders and Homesteader.
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