Lansdowne has been chosen for Alley Renewal. Planning and design is currently underway.

Project Update - November 2024

Thank you to everyone who attended the ‘Alley Talk’ drop-in event on Wednesday, November 22 and to everyone who participated in the initial survey for Lansdowne Alley Renewal.

The online survey closed on November 26 and we appreciate everyone who took the time to provide their valuable feedback on how you would like to be communicated with as Alley Renewal moves forward in your neighbourhood.

Engagement Summary

What We Heard/What We Decided Report summarizing your feedback is now available.

The Project Team will provide more details and information when available.

Alley Renewal: Overview

About the Project 

Alley Renewal involves alley reconstruction and repaving, improvements to surface drainage where possible, exploring opportunities to improve traffic safety and active mode connections (for walking, rolling and biking), and upgrading existing alley lighting to LED fixtures.

If property owners are interested, there is an opportunity for a local improvement to add alley lighting. Utility assessments and repairs, along with removals and pruning of trees and shrubs, are also completed.