
  • Construction began in 2008
  • Total cost of project was $28.2 million
  • Cost was shared between the City, Province of Alberta and the River Valley Alliance
  • It is classified as a suspension bridge and believed to be the second largest in Alberta
  • First footbridge to be built in Edmonton since 1985
  • Footbridge is 250 metres long and 5 metres wide
  • The bridge deck is only 300mm thick and is composed of several individual pre-cast concrete segments which are tied together as one unit
  • The bridge has only 2 piers in the river, meaning less impact on the river environment
  • Different construction components have come from around the world: the cable was manufactured in the United Kingdom and then assembled in the United States


  • Total of 2.5 km of new trails built
  • Final trail connections were completed in 2011
  • Funded through the River Valley Alliance
  • Paving of the trail from the east end of the bridge east to Whitemud Road
  • Paving from the west end of the bridge to the trail junction and to the bottom of the hill; this trail runs through Oleskiw lands and connects to the Terwillegar Park footbridge and the dog park
  • Landscaping was completed with some tree/shrub planting around the trail
  • Fencing was constructed to provide some boundary areas around the trails and bridge entrance where best suited
  • New stairs were constructed at Patricia Ravine
  • A new walking bridge was built across Wolf Willow Ravine
  • Final construction and grand opening occurred in spring 2011

Fort Edmonton Footbridge Trail Access:

PDF Version (suitable for 4"x6" printing)

Opening Photos: