The daily list of development applications is a collection of all development permit applications which have been submitted to our office.   This listing identifies the type of development being applied for, the location, who the applicant is and on which date the application was made.

This does not mean that these applications have had permit approvals by our office only that they have been applied for.

The listing contains development application requests submitted from November 2003 to today.

Date Range

You may narrow your search down to any date range. However, please note that:

  • November 1, 2003 is the earliest searchable date.
  • Only the most recent 100 applications will turn up on your search.
  • If you narrow your search to a specific date range that has more than 100 applications, only the first 100 applications will be shown. Any other data will not appear and another search for additional dates will need to be made separately.
  • The more information you request, the longer it will take to retrieve.

Finding the Daily List

1. To open the daily listing search window, select:

  • Edmonton Maps - The daily list information is found under the General Tab - Development Applications and selecting the option desired (List of Development Applications, List of Land Applications or All). 

Public Notices

Public Notices on a variety of different matters such as Bylaw Ads, Financial Bylaws, Notice of Development Permits and many more.


There is no charge to access the online daily listing.

A printed copy can be viewed at our office.  Copies can be made at a cost of $0.25 per page.