Phone 311 for more information about any ETS service.
Seniors Fares and Annual Transit Passes
Seniors 65 years of age and older qualify for a reduced rate for day fares and bus passes.
Purchase Transit Fares:
- In person: Edmonton Service Centre or various sales outlets
- Online: ETS Online Store
Accessible Buses and Facility Features
Information on low floor service, community buses designated for seniors, accessible LRT.
Mobility Tools including:
- Bus hailer kit for the visually impaired
- Mobility card for instructing a bus to kneel or lower the ramp when boarding
- Customer communication cards for people who have difficulty verbally expressing their transit trip needs
Dedicated Accessible Transit Service (DATS)
DATS Program and Services
DATS is a door-to-door, shared–ride public transportation service for adults age 16 and older who cannot use regular transit due to a disability.