The Terms of Reference for the Preparation and Amendment of Neighbourhood Structure Plans (NSPs) and Area Structure Plans (ASPs) are undergoing renewal.

The new Terms of Reference will continue to provide guidance on creating and amending NSPs and ASPs, but updated to align with The City Plan and current development trends. 


The practice of creating and developing a new community in the City of Edmonton is an exciting and challenging prospect. It is about building communities that are healthy, vibrant, sustainable, respect the natural environment, honour local history, and establish a compelling vision of the future.

However, it is also about reconciling provincial statutes, municipal bylaws, policies and procedures within the plan, and business practices, with citizen and industry expectations. 

Everyone involved in the process must consider their role in creating and developing complete communities that contribute to Edmonton’s natural environment, social and cultural capital, economy, and overall quality of life.

Technical Report Requirements
Departmental Contact Information

The preparation and or amendment of Area and Neighbourhood Structure Plans is informed by a series of technical reports. This information is necessary to analyze and evaluate specific planning and design proposals as part of an application.

Depending on the scale of the plan or amendment (area or neighbourhood level), certain technical reports may be required and should be confirmed with the appropriate City department prior to preparing the report.

Please consult the specific list of departmental contacts for Area Structure Plan (ASP) Technical Report Requirements and Neighbourhood Structure Plan (NSP) Technical Report Requirements.