Safety and well-being is a collective responsibility of individuals, communities, non-profit agencies, educational bodies, Edmonton Police Service, businesses and all orders of government. It is only through working together can we achieve our goal of a more inclusive, equitable, compassionate, resilient and welcoming community for all.
Collaboration is a key feature of implementing the CSWB Strategy; the strategy is City convened and community-driven. The City alone does not have all the answers and must engage partners to develop solutions. Community voice, partnership and participation is critical for the success of the strategy.
The Community Collaboration Model requires different individuals and groups getting involved and also the establishment of different types of partnerships. It is important to recognize that while each type of partnership involves different levels of time, effort, resources and trust, each type of partnership is valuable on its own merits.
The Collaboration Model Guidebook describes the roles and space for intentional collaboration. Specific examples of how we are looking for partners to get involved are included.