Measuring Up Edmonton is aimed at organizations, businesses and individuals who wish to be more accessible to people with a range of abilities.

Edmonton is a vibrant city. We celebrate individuality and diversity in our citizens.

The City of Edmonton's strategic plan, The Way Ahead, is moving our city towards a bold vision for the future, including:

  • Improving livability for people of all abilities and backgrounds.
  • Developing facilities and infrastructure that are accessible by all.
  • Improving accessibility throughout the city by enforcing municipal bylaws.

While City initiatives have seen positive results, we can do more to raise awareness of our population's diverse needs. Measuring Up Edmonton is aimed at organizations, businesses and individuals who wish to become more accessible to people with various abilities.

Do You Measure Up?

Complete our online form, and you will receive a 'We Measure Up' sticker. 

The Measuring Up Toolkit

  • Provides a self-assessment guide and resources to help you or your organization become more accessible and inclusive.
  • Identifies deficiencies and improvements needed.

Why Use the Toolkit?

To make your home, community, business or organization more inclusive and accessible.

  • To assess public, non-profit and private sector organizations, buildings, renovations, facility designs and services.
  • The information in the toolkit is not just for someone with a disability. Accessibility features that your organization or community may currently have, or those you choose to improve, will also benefit seniors, delivery personnel, caregivers pushing strollers or anyone requiring easier access to facilities and services.
  • To increase the number of potential users/customers.
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