
The City of Edmonton is taking action to make our city a place that recognizes and reflects the needs of children, young people and their families.

The City of Edmonton has a clear vision: to create a vibrant, connected, safe, sustainable and welcoming city.

A child-friendly city welcomes and involves children and youth and promotes their well-being and safety. It fosters the rights of young people as contributing members of society who have a sense of ownership and a voice in their community.

Child Friendly Edmonton, in a spirit of cooperation and collaboration, works with citizens, community groups and orders of government to create the best possible results for children and their families.

The Child Friendly Edmonton Initiative is based on the International UNICEF Child Friendly Cities Initiative. It promotes the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child at the level where it has the greatest direct impact on children’s lives: in the cities where they live.

Municipal government is the closest to its citizens. What it does, how it does it and when it does it touches the daily lives of all Edmontonians. ConnectEdmonton: Edmonton’s Strategic Plan 2019 – 2028 sets the direction for Edmonton’s future. It is about transformational change that provides:

  • A vision of what Edmonton can become by 2050
  • One unifying principle to guide decision-making over the next ten years
  • Four goals that require our attention and actions to achieve our vision
  • An invitation for all Edmontonians to work together to make our vision come alive
  • Indicators that monitor the collective impact of our efforts to achieve the strategic goals