Putrella (Pew-trella) is a "Giant Corpse Flower" or "Titum Arum", nature's tallest flowering plant. When in bloom, the extraordinary flower is able to reach heights of over 10 feet. It's also the world's stinkiest flower, emitting a putrid smell to attract pollinators such as carrion beetles.
Due to its enormous size, a massive amount of time and energy is needed for a corpse flower to bloom. Because of this, it goes through years of growth and dormancy stages. When the plant has finally stored enough energy, it sends out a bud. Within approximately six weeks, the bud has turned into an enormous bloom that will last for only two to four days.
The 275 pound tuber arrived at the Muttart in August 2012, and has been growing in its own custom-made flower pot ever since. Putrella has bloomed three times since arriving at the Muttart.