When booking, you have the option to use our new “Buddy List” which will determine your buddy’s price group (for example, senior, youth or member pricing) based on their MoveLearnPlay account. Please note that you are still able to book your group without using the Buddy List, but it will default to standard adult pricing. 

Updating Your Buddy List 

  1. Log into your MoveLearnPlay account and click your name in the top right corner to get to your profile
    Screenshot of the Move Learn Play interface, with an arrow pointing to the username in the top-right corner. The example username is "Pocahontas Smith".
  2. Click “My Buddy List” 
    Screenshot of the Move Learn Play interface, with an arrow pointing to the "My Buddy List" menu option.
  3. To view your token, click refresh.
    Share this with your friends to be added to their Buddy List.
    Screenshot of the Move Learn Play interface, with an arrow pointing to the "Refresh" button.
  4. Add a buddy.
    Input your buddy’s last name and token (which they must provide), then click “Add Buddy” to add them to your list. You will now be able to add them to your golf group while booking. 
    Screenshot of the Move Learn Play interface, with the Add a Buddy section highlighted.