Following the appeal, the decision maker will review all evidence that was used to determine the ban, along with any new evidence brought in by the banned individual, as soon as possible after the appeal meeting. No decisions are to be made during the meeting.
Based on all the evidence and the Branch’s guidelines and policies on safe use of sites, the decision maker will make their own decision to determine if the evidence substantiates that the individual contravened and that the type(s) of contravention(s) meet the appropriate criteria for that type and length of ban.
The decision maker may decide to either:
- End the ban,
- Issue a different ban length,
- Issue a modified measure, and/or
- Keep the ban in place
If a formal ban is changed as a result of the appeal process, the reason for the change will be documented, and communicated to the restricted individual as an appendix to the ban letter.
All appeal decisions will be communicated via registered mail to the banned individual in writing, including denials, approvals, or changes to terms. This appeal will be final and no additional appeals are possible.