Traffic safety is important to Edmonton's citizens and a major priority for the City. A safe transportation system contributes to a strong sense of community and the livability of our city.
The City’s Traffic Safety section makes Edmonton’s roads and communities safer through education, engineering, and evaluation.
Traffic Safety delivers programs to:
- Cut collisions, especially ones that involve injury
- Reduce speeding
- Deter risky driver behaviour at intersections like speeding and running red lights
- Reduce impaired driving
- Involve Edmontonians in traffic safety initiatives in their community
- Evaluate traffic data to support effective management and enforcement of local traffic
Key partners include the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues and the Edmonton Police Service.
Evidence Based
Traffic Safety operates on an evidence-based approach. Its emphasis is on identifying and using the state-of-practice in road-safety initiatives and establishing the state-of-art in road safety. It works to optimize law-enforcement initiatives using an evidence-based approach to road safety and crime. Traffic safety in Edmonton will improve through the ongoing development of state of art practices, subject-matter expertise, peer-reviewed research papers and improving the traffic-safety culture.
The number of injury collisions has decreased 56% from 6067 in 2006 to 2656 in 2016.