The CPST follows an escalating model of enforcement. The model includes extremely thorough boarding, fencing, intermittent on-site security and up to 24/7 on-site security, all billed to the non-compliant property owner. If a property owner fails to pay the invoice, the amount owing will be added to their tax roll account.
Property owners have the option of boarding up the properties themselves, which the City will accept as long as rigorous standards are met. If an owner has complied with the order to secure their property, the property will be placed on a monitoring list to ensure that compliance with the order is maintained.
In extreme cases (under specific circumstances) and only with approval from the Deputy Fire Chief of Public Safety, the CPST can order demolitions.
The expected result of the escalation model is that voluntary, owner-initiated demolition or securement will become common, as property owners will likely want to avoid the cost-intensive security options.