Slates of candidates and local political parties can register to take part in the 2025 Edmonton Election.

Approved slates and parties will be listed in the Local Political Parties and Slates Register. This public register will include the names of any candidates endorsed by registered political parties.

Register of Slates and Political Parties

Any changes to the registered information, such as a change in candidates, must be reported to Edmonton Elections within 30 days. Updates can be sent by email to

Registration Process

How to Register a Political Party

To register a political party, applicants can fill out the Local Political Party Registration Form and provide the following:

  • List of Members Supporting Registration: 1,000 party members who are eligible voters in Edmonton, along with their names, addresses and signatures, indicating their support for the party’s registration
  • Candidate List: A list of candidates endorsed by the party who meet specific legal requirements under the Local Authorities Election Act. Please note, a final list of all endorsed candidates is required by September 22, 2025 (noon)
  • Purpose Statement: A statement from the Local Political Party leader or principal officer declaring the party’s purpose to participate in public affairs by endorsing candidates
  • Corporate Registry Search: A copy of a corporate registry search confirming the applicant is not a prohibited entity
  • Statement of Assets and Liabilities: A financial statement dated no more than 90 days before the application date, signed by the party’s chief financial officer

How to Register a Slate of Candidates

To register a slate of candidates for the 2025 Edmonton Election, applicants can fill out the Slate of Candidates Registration Form and submit the following:

  • Form for Member Candidate List: An applicant can fill out the Slate of Candidate Member Form, which includes an endorsement statement from the candidates. Please note, a final list of candidates is due to Edmonton Elections by September 22, 2025 (noon)

Submitting Applications for Slates and Political Parties

Appointment Scheduling: Email the Edmonton Elections team to schedule an appointment for package drop-off.

Package Drop-Off: Registration packages for slates and political parties must be submitted in person by appointment only at 1 of the following locations:

Review Period: Edmonton Elections will review the application within 10-15 business days and confirm its eligibility.

All applications must be submitted by July 24, 2025.

Campaign Financing

Contribution Limits

  Local Political Parties Slates
Candidate - Self-finance Not applicable Not applicable
Individuals $5,000 per year to all registered parties in the municipality $0
Corporation, trade union or employee organization $5,000 per year to all registered parties in the municipality $0

Expense Limits

Expense limits are based on the city’s population at the start of the campaign period, as published by the Alberta government.

  2024 2025 2026-2027
Local Political Party - Per ward contested $42,120.79 $84,241.58 $0
Maximum (12 wards) $505,449.50 $1,010,899 $0
Slate Expenses split equally among candidates

Frequently Asked Questions

Will a political party’s registration package be publicly available?

After registration, packages are available for viewing by appointment with Edmonton Elections only. Please note that the personal information of supporters will not be redacted. Visitors are not permitted to make copies, take photos or take notes during the viewing.

Can candidates for school board trustees run as a member of a slate or be endorsed by a local political party?

No, only Mayor or Council candidates can run as part of a slate or be an endorsed candidate by a local political party.

Can municipal political parties be affiliated with provincial or federal political parties?

No. Local political parties must be separate and distinct from federal and provincial political parties. This is a requirement outlined in the Local Authorities Election Act.

Also, local political parties cannot receive campaign contributions from provincial or federal political parties.

What is the difference between a slate of candidates and a local political party? Is there a benefit to choosing one over the other?

A slate of candidates is 2 or more candidates whose fundamental purpose is to support the election of the slate’s members.

A local political party is an organization whose fundamental purpose is to participate in public affairs by candidates in a local jurisdiction and to support their election.

Slates of candidates have a simpler registration process than political parties, but they cannot receive contributions over and above individual candidate limits. Also, slates only exist for the duration of the election; political parties can continue to operate over multiple election cycles.

Do candidates need to declare their connection with a local political party when they submit their notice of intent to run?

No. Candidates can declare their connection to a political party or slate of candidates after filing their notice of intent.

The registered political party will be responsible for providing a full candidate list to Edmonton Elections and the final candidate list must be provided by Nomination Day, September 22, 2025 (noon).

Can local political parties and slates submit their registration package online?

No, given the magnitude of what is required in the registration application, all packages must be submitted in person. Parties or slates can schedule an in-person appointment to drop off their package by contacting

Contact Us

Edmonton Elections

Office Hours
Monday to Friday: 9am-4pm
Saturday, Sunday & Holidays: Closed


Phone  780-496-8008

Address  16304 114 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5M 3R8

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