Glenwood (163 Street West) has been chosen for Neighbourhood and Alley Renewal. Planning and design is currently underway.

Community Feedback on Draft Design - April 2024

Thank you to those who shared their ideas and feedback with us over the past year through the Building a Project Vision Together, Exploring Opportunities and Exploring Options and Tradeoffs project stages. The Project Team has now created a draft design that meets current City standards, policies and technical considerations and considers public input.

We invite you to review the draft design and help us REFINE it to ensure it reflects the Vision and Guiding Principles for Neighbourhood and Alley Renewal in Glenwood (163 Street West). 

We Want to Hear From You!

Online Survey

Share your Feedback!

Survey available until Monday, April 29

We commit to considering feedback to refine the draft design to reflect the Vision and Guiding Principles for Glenwood (163 Street West). 

The final Vision and Guiding Principles for Glenwood (163 West) are now available.