Safe Speed Toolkits are community-led, City-enabled tools to address concerns about unsafe driving speeds at the neighbourhood level. They are designed to help change the culture and attitudes around speeding in our communities.

Let’s figure out together if a Toolkit is the right approach for addressing the safety and livability concerns in your neighbourhood. Tell us more about your experience through this form.

Learn more about Safe Speed Toolkits at Vision Zero.  If you have any questions, please contact us at

Portable Driver Feedback Sign
Portable driver feedback signs alert drivers to their current speed and encourage them to slow down if they are traveling above the speed limit. These signs reduce vehicle speeds and collisions and let drivers know that safe streets are important around your neighbourhood. Signs can be placed at a City-approved location for a period of two weeks.

Please tell us more about the location where you would like to see a portable driver feedback sign. Our team will review your request and whether we are able to place driver feedback signs in your neighbourhood. 

The physical placement of these signs are carefully selected based on the type of road, the surrounding environment, and any unique considerations that need to be taken into account. The quantity of signs deployed to your school is dependent on availability.

Example: 79 Avenue and 91 Street

Automated Enforcement Vehicle
The City uses automated traffic enforcement in combination with other traffic safety programs to make our streets safer for everyone. 

The City may be able to schedule additional automated enforcement in your neighbourhood if you have noticed speeding concerns. This is only possible if there is a previously approved automated enforcement site along the street where speeding concerns have been observed. Enforcement locations are established based on provincial guidelines, and new sites cannot be added at this time due to a moratorium in place by the Government of Alberta.
Explore the Safe Streets Map, which shows the locations of all approved automated enforcement sites in Edmonton to see if your neighbourhood will be eligible.

Example: 77A Avenue and 158 Street