The budget is the City’s plan for where we will get money (revenues) and how we will spend it (expenditures). It maps out how property tax dollars and other funding will be invested to provide the programs, services and construction projects Edmontonians rely on.

Every spring and fall, Council approves adjustments to our 4-year budget in response to significant changes.

What's New

On September 10, the City updated Council on the June 30, 2024 capital and operating financial updates. The City provides regular financial updates to keep both Council and Edmontonians informed about our finances and capital projects. 

The Capital Financial Update includes results and projections for significant capital projects (like construction on roads, bridges and recreation centres). As of June 30, 2024, over 99% of projects are reporting within budget and over 98% of projects are within schedule. This is based on all of the City’s capital projects with budgets over $20 million (significant capital projects), which is a different approach used for capital project reporting compared to the City’s Integrated Infrastructure Services Department (which reports on all construction projects). For more information on the delivery of construction projects, visit Building Edmonton.  

The Operating Financial Update includes year-to-date operating results and projected year-end results. Based on Q2 results, the City is forecasting a year-end deficit of $34 million. This is 1% of our $3 billion operating budget for 2023-2026

Administration is working to keep the deficit as low as possible by year-end and is working to prevent future deficits caused by structural budget challenges. In the upcoming fall supplementary budget discussions action plans will be discussed with Council to address these structural budget challenges.  

View the Agenda for the Report and Recording of Meeting