During construction Routes 106, 150X, 613, 624, 625 and 626 will be on detour.
Construction on 132 Avenue began in spring 2023 and is expected to take five years.
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Construction on 132 Avenue began in spring 2023 and is expected to take five years.
During construction Routes 106, 150X, 613, 624, 625 and 626 will be on detour.
It’s the second year of 132 Ave Renewal West construction. Work will consist of reconstruction and paving of the roads, removal and replacement of public sidewalk, curbs, gutters and street lighting.
This year, the majority of construction will take place from 97 Street to 101 Street and from 107 Street to 113A Street. Please view this scope map to see the 2024 construction area.
Significant progress has been made on most of the scopes of work between 97 Street and 101 Street. Paving of the road and landscaping items have been completed, with only site furniture items remaining to be finished. We anticipate that this project section will be open at the end of August.
Please note that full road closures remain in effect for both sections of the project.
Construction for 132 Avenue Renewal West began in spring 2023 and is expected to take 4 years (planned completion fall 2026). 132 Ave Renewal West is progressing on time and on budget.
It’s the first year of the 132 Avenue Renewal East project. Work will consist of reconstruction and paving of the roads, removal and replacement of public sidewalks, curbs, gutters and street lighting.
This year, the majority of construction will take place from Fort Road to west of 68 Street. Please view this scope map to see the 2024 construction area. Work will also occur in the commercial business areas along 66 Street.
Construction work is making significant progress, with the north sidewalk almost fully completed. On the south side, removal and grading work is ongoing, along with the graveling of the sidewalk. The underground and LID infrastructure work is continuing as well.
Street light bases have been installed on the north side of the project and the existing bases have been removed. A full road closure is still in effect between Fort Road and 66 Street, with lane closures on 66 Street, as necessary.
Construction on 132 Avenue Renewal East began in 2024 and is expected to take 4 years (planned completion October 2027). 132 Avenue Renewal East is continuing on time and on budget.
Check out the links below to prepare for construction:
The What We Decided Report describes the final designs for 132 Avenue Renewal, including when and how the City used policy and program information, public engagement input and technical requirements to make project decisions.
The Building Great Neighbourhoods project team are genuinely interested guests, stepping into your neighbourhood like a visitor in your home. We want to learn and appreciate how you live and what you value in your community. Through public engagement, we will gain an understanding about what you need and value in your neighbourhood.
We seek to involve you in decision-making to shape the vision for engagement and neighbourhood improvements. Working together, we can make the most out of your neighbourhood.
We have created a road map to help you and your neighbours understand the steps of the renewal process and how you can participate. At each step we will tell you what the purpose is and how your input will inform the decisions being made. We commit to report back on how we used your input.
The Concept phase is when we need to hear from you the most! We need your help to co-create a vision and guiding principles, explore opportunities, and explore options and tradeoffs. These are the most important pieces for your Neighbourhood Renewal and will be used to create a draft design to best meet your neighbourhood needs.
During the Design phase, we want your input on the refined designs for your neighbourhood. Your feedback will be incorporated into the final design, alongside technical requirements and City policies. These designs were created from the vision and guiding principles we co-created together. You shared your input, we incorporated your feedback, now we build!
During the Build phase, we want to hear your concerns about how construction may affect your private property.
Neighbourhood Renewal construction in 132 Avenue Neighbourhood has wrapped up for the 2023 construction season!
2023 construction began in June and will finish the first week of November. The 2023 construction season was a success and we completed all planned construction including: The reconstruction of roads, new sidewalks, curbs and gutters, Low Impact Development (LID) facilities, the new active transportation network and installed new street lights between 101 Street and 107 Street.
There are some areas in the 2023 construction area that still require minor landscaping, concrete work and site furniture. Once the weather warms up, typically in early May, the landscaping subcontractor will be completing the topsoil and sod placement. By waiting until spring, the sod is more likely to establish.
Collector renewal work will resume on 132 Ave between 101 Street and 97 Street and between 107 Street and 113 A Street in the second week of April 2024, weather permitting. The planned scope for 2024 will include the reconstruction of roads, new sidewalks, curbs and gutters, LIDs, new bike lanes and new streetlights. Prior to work resuming, construction notifications will be delivered to impacted residences.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we completed the first successful year of neighbourhood renewal construction. Construction on 132 Avenue began in spring 2023 and is expected to take five years.
Collector renewal on 132 Avenue is progressing on time and on budget.
Detours and Bus Stop Closures.
The following routes will be detoured during construction: 106, 150X, 613, 624 and 625. Full detour information is available onRenewal work will start on 132 Avenue the first week of May 2023, weather permitting.
The planned scope for 2023 will include:
If you live in the construction area, you will receive an additional construction notice that provides more information on what to expect during construction prior to work beginning.
The City is expecting an increase in traffic volume and, as a result, an increased risk of speeding along roads connected to 132 Avenue as a result of construction.
To proactively maintain street safety, the City will be installing adaptable curb extensions along these routes in an effort to slow vehicles, shorten crossing distances and increase pedestrian visibility by preventing parking next to crossings.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we start the first year of Renewal construction. Construction on 132 Avenue is expected to take 5 years.
Thank you to everyone who engaged with us during the Community Feedback on Final Design stage of the project.
Online sessions were held from September 20 - October 12 and the online survey closed on October 13, 2022. We appreciate everyone who took the time to provide their feedback through the survey, emails and phone calls with the project team.
The project team will review all of the feedback provided, along with technical information and City policies and programs, for consideration as we finalize construction drawings in preparation for construction in spring 2023.
Final Design Detailed Information Package
Project Overview Video
This video demonstrates where we’ve come from and where we are currently at in the 132 Avenue Renewal Project.
What We Decided Report
Proposed Construction Staging
127 Street to 113 A Street (Kensington,Calder)
127 Street to 120 Street final design plan
120 Street to 113A Street final design plan
View the video
113 A Street to 97 Street (Rosslyn, Lauderdale)
113A Street to 107 Street final design plan
107 Street to 97 Street final design plan
View the video
97 Street to 82 Street (Glengarry, Killarney)
97 Street to 90 Street final design plan
90 Street to 82 Street final design plan
View the video
82 Street to 66 Street (Delwood, Balwin)
82 Street to 74 Street final design plan
74 Street to 66 Street final design plan
View the video
66 Street to Fort Road (Belvedere)
66 Street to Fort Road final design plan
View the video
Thank you to everyone who engaged with us during the Community Feedback on Draft Design stage of the project. We appreciate everyone who took the time to provide their feedback through the survey, the online sessions, emails and phone calls with the project team.
The project team will review all of the feedback provided, along with technical information and City policies and programs, for consideration in the development of the final design, which will be shared in the fall 2022.
Draft Design Information Booklet
Project Overview Video
This video demonstrates where we’ve come from and where we are currently at in the 132 Avenue Renewal Project.
Cost-sharing Opportunities
An opportunity for decorative street light upgrades.
Thank you to everyone who engaged with us during the Exploring Options and Tradeoffs stage of neighbourhood renewal. Online sessions were held from April 27 - May 6 and the online survey closed on May 20, 2021. The feedback you provided will be used to shape the draft design for 132 Avenue and the surrounding public and open spaces.
If you missed the opportunity to engage, you can still review information on the options and tradeoffs for driving, traffic calming, biking, parking and gathering spaces and community features:
What We Heard Report (June 2021)
For more information, please review the April 2021 issue of the 132 Renewal newsletter.
Thank you to everyone who engaged with us virtually during the Building a Vision and Exploring Opportunities stage of the project as we adjusted our engagement practices as a result of COVID-19.
The online survey closed on October 28, 2020 and we appreciate everyone who took the time to provide their feedback, including through paper copies of the survey, emails and phone calls received by the Project Manager. Your input is important as we begin to understand how you experience 132 Avenue and ask for your input on what we should do to make it better.
For more information on renewal, please review the September issue of the Building 132 newsletter. Please subscribe to our 132 Avenue mailing list.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Starting the Conversation phase of 132 Renewal. In this phase, we asked the public to advise us on preferences for communication and possible barriers to participating in public engagement.
We have summarized the feedback received in a What We Heard document and we will be using this input to adjust our communications and public engagement plans moving forward.
(97 Street to 127 Street construction)
Title | Delivery Project Manager |
alban.ukshini@edmonton.ca |
(Fort Road to 97 Street construction)
Title | Delivery Project Manager |
bin.pllana@edmonton.ca |
All additional inquiries or escalations can be directed to the Building Great Neighbourhoods team by calling 780-496-4055 or through 311.
BuildingGreatNeighbourhoods@edmonton.ca |