Standard Sports Fields are any neighbourhood or school rectangular field ranging from full-sized fields to mini soccer pitches.

2024 Booking Rates*

Type of Use Age Rate Per Hour


No charge



*Rates include GST.

Standard Fields by Zone

Northeast Standard Fields
Facility Address
Airways Park 112 Avenue and 113 Street
Castle Downs Park 115 Street and 153 Avenue
Clareview Park 38 Street and 139 Avenue
Dr. Donald Massey School 162 Avenue and Hollick Kenyon Way
Eastglen School Park 68 Street and 114 Avenue
Glengarry Park/A.O.L 87 Street and 132 Avenue
Grand Trunk Park 130 Avenue and 112 Street
Londonderry Athletic Grounds 68 Street and 144 Avenue
Pilot Sounds District Park 180 McConachie Drive
Queen Elizabeth School Park 91 Street and 132 Avenue
Rundle Park NE 29 Street and 113 Avenue
Victoria School Park 102 Street and Kingsway Avenue
Northwest Standard Fields
Facility Address
Coronation Park 135 Street and 112 Avenue
Jasper Place 163 Street and 92 Avenue
Johnny Bright Park/JP Bowl 9217 - 165 Street
St Francis Xavier 163 Street and 92 Avenue
The Grange District Park/S.A.B. 215 Street and 57 Avenue
Southeast Standard Fields
Facility Address
Austin O'Brien School Park 62 Street and 95 Avenue
Dermott District Park 82 Street and 90 Avenue
Donnan Park 91 Street and 80 Avenue
Forest Heights Park 81 Street and 103 Avenue
J.H. Picard SE 99 Street and 72 Avenue
McNally SE 84 Street and 105 Avenue
Mill Woods Park 27 Avenue and 66 Street
The Meadows District Park 23 Avenue and 17 Street
W.P. Wagner Park 80 Street and 61 Avenue
Southwest Standard Fields
Facility Address
Confederation Park 112 Street and 43 Avenue
Kaskitayo Park 19 Avenue and 109 Street
Kinsmen SW 9100 Walterdale Hill
Rollie Miles Athletic Field Combo SW 105 Street and 73 Avenue
Terwillegar Heights District Park 23 Avenue and Terwillegar Drive